“The Shining “ is on of the greatest horror films directed by Stanley Kubrick in 1980. The action takes place in an atmospheric, isolated hotel. A father, Jack, a mother, Wendy, and their son, Danny, become the winter caretakers. After being shown their quarters and duties, they are abandoned for the whole winter. At the beginning everything is fine. Danny has some psychic ability referred to as “ The Shining” and after a while he starts seeing disturbing visions of the hotel’s past. The father is underway in a writing project when he slowly slips into insanity, because of the guests of the hotel’s ghosts. Right after that he is being convinced by a waiter’s ghost to “take care” his family and he goes completely insane. He walks around the hotel looking for his son and wife, carrying an ax to kill them.
The whole film is filled with terrifying images, which remain etched to our mind. Great examples are the creepy twins, the elevators filled with blood and the amazing end shot.
Nicholson is giving an exceptional performance and he is completely believable. He has an intimidating character. During the plot of film we see him gradually slip into madness, acting amazingly. The scene where the wife, Wendy, finds the typewriter and her husband’s work is a perfect way in order to make her and the audience finally sure that Jack is insane, when the creepy sounds and then the silence is really suitable and used to great effect.
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